Now is your chance to experience a once-in-a-lifetime expedition with the Tarality Metaverse.
Travel through space on this virtual trip!



About Tarality Metaverse

As the blockchain revolution continues to grow, we want to make it easy for users to earn tokens and play to their heart's content. That is why Tarality Metavser was created. Tarality Metaverse is a next-generation Mine2Earn Metaverse platform. It's an ecosystem that unites creators, metaverse enthusiasts and fans. On Tarality Metaverse, users can play their passions to earn tokens by completing different challenges and activities in Tarality Metaverse's 'Space Metaverse'. The more you play, the more tokens you earn.

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NFT Mint Guideline


Connect your Metamask wallet


Register on Tarality Metaverse by staking Revolution token


Purchase NFTs from the NFT marketplace


Earth to Moon

  • Setting up an observatory
  • Planting trees
  • Walkthrough in observatories
  • Helping people in need to earn coins
  • Interact with other users
  • Playing Social games

Moon to Mars

  • Mining of gemstones
  • Finding of water and miniral ores
  • Setting up a space station
  • Maintenance of space station
  • Launching satellites and viewing other avatars' activities
  • Buy land on Moon & Mars
  • Buy Dwarf planets and stars
  • Using boosts/offence actions earned through staking revolution

EV3, EV4, EV5 ...

  • More to come

Phase 1

Build your own launch station on Metaverse Earth. Land in your astronaut action avatar and earn tokens by completing fun activities. Ultimately, you can trade your tokens to purchase/ upgrade your assets.

Phase 3

Land your rocket on the Moon and Mars, and explore the lunar surface. Perform more fun activities like launching satellites, buying land, Dwarf planets and stars, unlocking new levels and earning tokens.

Phase 3

Can you wait for the greater beyond? We can't! Tarality Metaverse will upgrade its space metaverse to the greater beyond.

Can you imagine a journey from Earth to Mars, a sleek and powerful space ship getting you closer to the stars than ever before? You will find yourself in awe of the universe at every turn. Explore the Space Metaverse like never before.

Phase 4, Phase 5 ... A lot more to come.

Tarality Metaverse is the next-generation Mine2Earn metaverse platform, where users can stake, mint, & play their passions to earn tokens by completing different challenges and activities Tarality Metverse's very own metaverse platform.

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